
Francesco Babs: The Modest Scholar 谦虚的奖学金获得者: Francesco Babs

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

YCIS Beijing has an active scholarship programme and every year awards scholarships to outstanding all-round students. We speak to Francesco Babs, one of this year’s scholars, about his award.

北京耀中有一个积极奖学金计划,每年都会向优秀的多才多艺的学生颁发奖学金。我们采访了今年的奖学金获得者之一Francesco Babs,谈了谈他的奖项。

Please introduce yourself.


I’m Francesco and I’ve just started YCIS Beijing in Year 9. My mum is from Italy and my dad is from Nigeria and I’ve lived in Beijing for ten years.


What did you have to do to apply for the scholarship?


I had quite a few interviews with different members of staff – the Co-Principals, the IGCSE Co-Ordinator, and the Head of Secondary. I also sat a written exam in English and submitted essay responses to some questions. 


What is the best and worst thing about having a scholarship?


I think that the best thing is also the worst thing. Scholarships are reviewed every year to make sure that you’re still performing really well. In some ways this is good because it motivates you to work hard and try new things – but it also means there’s always pressure on you! On the whole though, I think that pressure will be a good thing.


Can you offer any advice to other students applying for scholarships?


My best piece of advice is to not be too modest! You’ve got to talk about yourself and show everyone why you’re really good. This is a bit strange because normally you wouldn’t want to talk about yourself that way, but in the interviews that’s what they want to hear!


To read the full interview with Francesco and hear more advice from him about applying for a scholarship, click “Read more” below. Congratulations Francesco!


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